Albums with respected colors and meticulous details
The album is a summary of your photo report. We integrate the best images, the most coherent for the story, and the most powerful to feel the emotions, on each page. This is work that I do for you, and to which you can of course add your personal touch. I can assure you that you will completely (re)discover your photos by seeing them in a beautiful book.
Leafing through his album is above all to be able to enjoy moments of conviviality by remembering these good memories. Imagine those big family meals, or those aperitif evenings with friends, where everyone can pass the album from hand to hand. You have surely already felt this curiosity and this incredible pleasure by rediscovering photos in an album at your parents' or grandparents'. The warmth of the paper, the colors, the smell... We can never say the same for a USB key or an iPad!
I have chosen to offer very high-end photo albums, in order to be consistent with my overall photographic approach, which is to offer the most qualitative and successful services and products possible. Each album is protected by an elegant velvet bag and accompanied by its presentation box. These albums are made by hand, and checked at each stage of the process by experienced craftsmen. The colors, skin tones, contrasts are scrupulously respected as I wanted them. The finishing details are perfect.
A premium album to appreciate your memories at their true value
luxe linen
cuir italien
Pure White
The Luxe Linen collection is made for those who want to harmonize the experience between the touch and the look of an album. The softness of delicate real linen, which envelops the whole album in a one-piece cover, it conveys a simple charm. It's the most sustainable option of all the blanket possibilities because its linen is 100% natural and organic.
This collection represents the power of authenticity: its upholstery in real Tuscan leather, from which its name is inspired, creates with its patterns and natural nuances a unique piece. Hence its luxurious and exclusive air, anchored in its aroma, its lights and its robustness.
A classic look that combines all its features in a product designed to impress.
It is a collection with a style that is both simplistic and refined, which does not depend on fashions. The one-piece cover transforms with each color of its buckram cover, which, together with its customization options, allows for an elegant and versatile result. Known for the durability of its fibers, buckram is an authentic classic that has endured from generation to generation.